dilluns, 30 de juny del 2014

Geologia,geodèsia,cartografia - Director of Earth Sciences Department

Director of Earth Sciences Department


: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

: The Centre:

BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercomputing Center ? Centro Nacional de Supercomputación) is the National Supercomputing Facility in Spain and manages MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in Europe.

The mission of BSC-CNS is to investigate, develop and manage information technology in order to facilitate scientific progress. With this aim, special dedication has been taken to areas such as Computer Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Computational Applications in Science and Engineering.

All these activities are complementary to each other and very tightly related. In this way, a multidisciplinary loop is set up: our exposure to industrial and non-computer science academic practices improves our understanding of the needs and helps us focusing our basic research towards improving those practices.

Within this framework BSC-CNS is looking for a candidate to manage the Earth Science department.

Earth Sciences Department:

The Earth Sciences Department of BSC-CNS was established with the objective of carrying out research in Earth system modelling, focusing its research activities on atmospheric processes and climate modelling.

Current research lines of our Principal Investigators include research in atmospheric models, in particular mineral dust and air quality, and climate modeling. The Department has made a large effort to develop operational systems and to develop and integrate databases.

Next challenges include to foster new high-quality research projects, improve partnerships with other centers at Spanish, European and global level, and to favour technology transfer activities, considering the possibility that these could lead to the creation of "spin offs".

Overall the department should fulfill the mission of increasing the scientific value in Earth Sciences and strengthen development and improvement of their codes and data management in current and future HPC capabilities of BSC.



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