dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014

Altres enginyeries - PRACE SUPPORT



: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

: Supercomputers are indispensable tools for solving the most challenging and complex scientific and technological problems through simulations. The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, PRACE, is a unique persistent pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and forms the top level of the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE will maintain a pan-European HPC service consisting of up to six top of the line leadership systems (Tier-0) well integrated into the European HPC ecosystem. Each system will provide computing power of several Petaflop/s (one quadrillion operations per second) in midterm. On the longer term (2019) Exaflop/s (one quintillion) computing power will be targeted by PRACE. This infrastructure is managed as a single European entity.


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