divendres, 1 de febrer del 2013

GIS Business Analyst (Stockholm)

Barcelona (Barcelona)

Empresa: NexTReT

Descripción: Within our Technology Business Unit we need to incorporate a Business Analyst with experience in GIS with high level of English to participate in major projects at international level. People ...

Requisitos: ? University degree with minimum 4 years of experience in GIS, or non-University degree with minimum 6 years of experience in GIS and geo-database management; ? Strong knowledge of the following standards: Web Feature Services (WFS), Web Map Services (WMS), Shapefiles; ? Extensive experience in ArcSDE Geodatabases design, implementation and maintenance; ? Extensive experience in developing and working with SOAP/REST map services; ? Extensive experience in GIS technical documentation writing; ? Experience in development for SharePoint technology

Jornada: Completa


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