diumenge, 30 de juny del 2013

Research Support PELE

Research Support PELE


: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

: The Life Sciences Department is offering a technician position in the "Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling", within the framework of the European project: "Protein Energy Landscape Exploration, to develop the following functions:

? Development and maintenance of the PELE++: coding new features, testing, and continuous integration.

? Development and maintenance of a Web server to our code PELE.


? Degree in Computer Science

? Programming C + + and python.

? English

Be evaluated:

? Previous experience in biophysical simulations

? Parallel Programming (MPI/OPENMP/CUDA)

All applications must include:

- Cover letter

- Curriculum vitae

Interested persons should submit their application to the following email address, stating the Job Reference ( RS_PELE ) in the subject line: rrhh@bsc.es


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